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How to keep your Fynbos looking better than just ‘Fyn’

At Floradale Nurseries, we’re very enthusiastic about indigenous gardening. Indigenous South African Fynbos grow in close-knit communities, protecting each other from wind and keeping the soil cool. It’s always best to blend fynbos, including Proteas, Pincushions, Cone Bushes, Ericas, Restios, Buchus, Phylicas Mimetes and Aulux, to create an environment close to what is found in nature. Groundcovers, like Gazanias and Vygies, and a thick layers of bark mulch will also help to keep the soil cool while the plants establish themselves. 

Plant in full sun and in well drained acidic soil with good air circulation. Fynbos will vary in how they tolerate frost so protect young plants with frost cloth during winter for the first two years. 

Well drained and nutrient poor soils are preferred, and we recommend that you plant with acid compost only. Remember to avoid using Bonemeal or Super Phosphate fertiliser and be careful to not disturb the roots. While fertiliser is generally avoided, potted plants and those growing in very sandy soils can be fed with organic fertiliser like Bio Ocean, Kelpak or Seagrow. It’s advisable to mulch thickly with pine bark as this supresses weeds and keeps the roots cool. Pine bark mulch also locks in moisture and negates the need to disturb their sensitive roots. 

If your leaves turn yellow while the leaf veins stay green, this could be a symptom of Iron deficiency. This can be corrected by using Iron Chelate or Iron Sulphate.  

Once established, Fynbos is drought hardy, but it’s necessary to water well for the first two Summers. Water well two to three times a week depending on weather conditions and until the plants are well established. Potted specimens must be mulched and watered daily in hot weather or every second day. Repot them every second year. 

Visit your nearest Floradale Nursery to choose from a wide variety of indigenous plants. We also offer excellent advice on their care and handling. 

Pro Tip:

Prune new Protea plants after about 6 months to a year to encourage branching. Prune back dead Protea and Pincushion flower heads to stems with strong foliage after flowering and cut out any dead or diseased branches at the base. Remove any weak stems that have failed to flower on your Pincushions to create a more compact and healthier bush. Never cut back more than 50% of the plant. King Proteas and Mimetes, however, can be cut right back to the base of the plant to encourage resprouting.

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